Jain Mumukshu

Who is a Mumukshu?

A Mumukshu is a person who is eager to attain Moksha (liberation). The effort to achieve Moksha is not about reaching a specific place but about recognizing one's own soul and manifesting its spiritual qualities. A Mumukshu is someone who has control over the senses. To progress on the path of liberation, a Mumukshu uses discretion to decide what to listen, what to see, and what to taste.

What are the rules followed by a Mumukshu?

To Guru

Ensure the cleanliness of living and places of worship so as to maintain an environment conducive to religious and spiritual practices.

Providing study materials and acting as a mediator between Sadhu-Sadhvi jis and householders

To Self

Walk barefoot, eat one meal a day, and stay away from electricity and modern technology Follow the instructions of the Gurus selflessly

Practice regular study and meditation with patience and tolerance

Maintain discipline in actions and thoughts, and have faith in the teachings given by the Guru.